Colin writes in to tell us about his recently acquired R5:
I have been looking for a nice two stroke for some time now. Something that was relatively cheap, but ran. I wasn’t looking for show quality or anything just something to get around DC on and tinker with. I came across this ’71 R5 owned by an older gentleman for over 30 years. Cosmetically it has seen some wear but the engine runs great and sounds great too. I sent along some pictures. This is exactly how I bought the bike. How about that sissy bar, amazing. Fortunately in about ten minutes the sissy and highway bar come right off. Short term I am going to put some clubman bars and some rearsets. Then slowly when the money comes in will start cleaning up the parts. It was a wedding present for myself. Great website about the only place I found good useful information on the bike.
Excellent find!
Sounds like you're on the same course as I am, with clubmans and rearsets. Funny, my bike came equipped with almost the exact same sissy bar! Weird scroll thing going on...
I'm looking for this sissy bar/rack combination. If anyone knows where I can find one or something like it, please e-mail me at busmann@verizon.net