Jesse from Arlington, Virginia, writes in to share some pics of his newly-acquired R5 and ask a few questions:
Hi Lawrence,
I just came across your R5 website. Very nice! I just took posession of my 1st R5 this weekend. It's an orange 1972 R5C that is need of some restoration. I have restored 4-stroke British bikes in the past (I'm currently riding a 1978 Triumph) but this is my 1st 2-stroke machine. Are there any listservs, discussion boards, etc. that focus on the R5 or Japanese 2-strokes in general?
Good-lookin' bike, Jesse! Love the exhaust! You can see more of Jesse's bike on his Flickr page.
Jesse raises a good question in his email. I've gotten a bunch of similar emails from other readers who are looking to ask questions in a firum setting. I've come across a number of sources for R5-related info in my research - here are a couple of links:
Here are some discussion groups:
Yahoo! R5 group - http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/r5yamaha/
Yahoo! YDS Owners group - http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/yamahaydsownersgroup/
A couple of other forums to try - much more generic, for a wider variety of bikes:
USA 2Strokers - http://www.usa2strokers.com/forum/default.asp
OBB - http://www.oldbikebarn.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi
Cycle Forums - http://www.cycleforums.com
There are also some shops out there dedicated to these bikes. Some good ones that come to mind are:
HVC - http://hvccycle.com
Moto Carrera - http://www.motocarrera.com
Spec2 - http://www.spec2.com
Omar's - http://omarsdtr.com
Check out the links in the sidebar for more. Hope that helps!
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