Ok kids... a lot of you have been asking about electrical issues. Seems these bikes (as just about anything 30+ years old!) have a bunch of gremlins, and it can be a real pain sorting everything out. I'm in the middle of it myself. So I thought I'd revamp the diagrams on the site as well as highlight them all in one post here.
- R5C Wiring Diagram - from the 1972 Rider's Manual
- R5F Wiring Diagram - not a US model
- RD 250/350 Wiring Diagram - for reference, should you need it
Also here are two diagrams tracing the physical wiring harness as shown in the factory Service Manual to help you locate everything:
- R5C Wiring Harness Diagram 1
- R5C Wiring Harness Diagram 2
And finally, here is a link to a PDF of the electrical section of the factory Service Manual (via OMP).
Gotta love all the hand-drawn complexities and typos throughout! Anyways, I hope this helps!