One of the problems my bike suffers from (and I'm sure many bikes of similar age) is rotting or missing rubber parts. Nothing major, mind you, but simple little things like the battery and airbox straps, bodywork bushings, and lever rubber - things that don't need to be there for the bike to function, but sure would help finish things up. Details.
Well, HVC is now carrying a whole bunch of hard-to-find spares. Here's a list of the things I'll be picking up in the near future:
- Right Side Cover Dampers (HVC20041) - mine are disintegrating
- Kick Start Rubber Cover (HVC20050) - mine are hardened, cracked, ugly
- Shift Lever Rubber (HVC20051) - current replacement is crap
- Seat Hinge Clevis Pins (HVC20056) - one fell out many miles ago
- Battery Strap (HVC20057) - never had one
- Center Stand Bumper (HVC20074) - never had one
- Neutral Switch (1L9-82540-00-00) - getting tough to find N
- Air Box Cover Strap (HVC200114) - disintegrated the first time I touched it